Growing up in an artist family I learned the history of my people, the Bohemians. In the 1930's in Europe, my great grandmother, my grandmother, my mother, and uncle lived the life of the bohemian. The life of people who were unconventional and non conforming to the "bourgeoisie". The thought that art, philosophy and natural beauty were valued above financial success and traditional classism and convention.
I grew up hearing stories about my great grandmother putting on her manly boots and carrying her paints and easel on the train to go to the museum to paint "The old masters". This is how she survived selling these masters paintings to people who would hang in their homes. My grandmother painted beautiful stylized girls and was commissioned to paint "pin up girls" for the soldiers in the war. My family was not rich in money but lived a life full of passion true to their beliefs of individuality and charm. They took time to sit in cafes and discuss philosophy and art and go on long walks to admire the earth's natural beauty. These are things I was taught were important in life.
My great grandmother, my grandmother and my mother
my grandmother, Marie-Charlotte Gmelin-Wilke with one of her works
My Great grandmother Malchen Brandes-Wilke and my grandmother Marie Charlotte Gmelin-Wilke
After the war, my mother met my father in art school. He came from a working class family but had the artist passion and talent. He fit right in with the family.
My father Fritz Rauh self portrait
My parents Fritz and Alix Rauh
Growing up in my house, just over the Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco in the 1960's there was a revolution going on. The flower child movement was happening and my family were a part in that. The counter culture was alive and the same ideals of "all you need is love", respect for natural beauty and the environment were most important. My artist father, Fritz Rauh was part of this movement with his surrealist original art creating his impression of nature. He used vivid colors to create beautiful art that was shown in MOMA in San Francisco and several high end galleries. He was part of the "Lucid Art" group here in the Bay Area.
Parties at my home in the late 60's
Family camping trip at Joshua Tree in original VW van made with handmade curtains by my mom and wooden bed by my dad
One of my favorite paintings by my father Fritz Rauh
Me at one of my father's Art openings, 1010 Gallery in Burlingame
It is with this passion of individuality and creativity that I create my limited edition coats. I feel like it's important to be yourself, not conform and stand out from the crowd. My love of our natural world makes me want to sustain it. I make a small limited quantity of coats using leftover fabrics to create pieces that are timeless and sustainable. These unique styles will create authenticity to those amazing people who will wear them forever!
Here are some examples:
Dr. Zhivago Coat you'll definitely stand out!
Persian Coat, get noticed!
Pink Parisian with Plum Stole, bohemian magic
I'm seeing a revival of the same ideas happening now, a return to sustainable slow fashion. People notice they want to live with less possessions and not conform to fast fashion. Buying from individual artists, is more authentic and fun and makes sense in our current world.
I'm very proud of my two daughter's, Yeelen and Camille who are carrying on our family values. My daughter, Yeelen is a public health scientist and is also very creative as a fantastic poet and songwriter. My daughter Camille is in her last year at Harvard Law school and her love of nature has her working on environmental internship at The Sierra Club this winter.
My daughter, Camille enjoying Joshua Tree
My daughter Yeelen last year when she was working on her Masters at Brown University
Stacy thunes Krieger said:
What a Wonderful blog! Love the memories it brings back, being in that house with you as young girls, me in awe of the European-ness of you and your family. ❤️
December 17, 2020
Belle Marko said:
Your family history is so much like mine.You are keeping the spirit and the vibe alive. Thank you for all that you are doing to make the world a better place and to remind us all what is MOST important!
December 11, 2020
Cathryn said:
What a rich history of artists and family. Your beautiful daughters are enriching our world at a time when it is badly needed. Your wonderful fashion coats are works of art. Thank you for sharing your world and your talent.
December 08, 2020
Robin said:
I truly love reading your blog. What an interesting and beautiful family you have. I love all of your fantastic pieces and am so happy I have a couple of the scarves. Continued blessings and success to you ~~ Robin
December 08, 2020